In January 2023, I received an invitation to participate in a private bug bounty program for a popular ISP operating in the EMEA region. I’m familiar with them as I use their service on a daily basis.

While gathering subdomains of, one caught my attention: Knowing that this host is related to SIM card management, I asked ChatGPT to generate a wordlist for it and used tools like CeWL, crunch, and WordlistGPT.

I started directory brute-forcing using dirsearch while proxying it to Burp Suite to analyze the results using different methods like POST, PUT, etc. One directory, /cs/, caught my attention as it returned a content length different from the other 404 pages. (If I hadn’t proxied dirsearch traffic to Burp Suite, I wouldn’t have noticed this.)


Subsequently, I began brute-forcing this directory and encountered an error with /cs/SimSwap.


Being familiar with SOAP API, I knew that adding ?wsdl would resolve this error.


I utilized Burp Suite’s WSDler extension to parse the above request.

By sending this request with the correct data, I was able to perform a SIM swap. Notably, no authentication was required for this request.


Kudos to them for promptly fixing this bug within 2 hours of my report.

Bounty: $15,000

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